Paul and Eleanor Palmer and their family moved from California to Florida and opened the Feed Store in an old home on what was then near the rural corner of Westmoreland and Church Street.
(Pictured: Paul and Eleanor Palmer, paternal grandparents of current co-owner Jeff Palmer)
Grandma (Eleanor) sold the houses on the property and bartered with local tradespeople to pay down their debts by building the new Feed Store.
(Pictured: the four Palmer’s boys with their dad, Paul, in front of the Feed Store. Tuxedo Feed was the name of the animal feed brand they sold)

Our storage facility was built, we started selling worms and we dropped “Tuxedo” in the name as men became suspicious of their wives when it would show up on a bill.
(Pictured: an old photo of Palmer’s Feed Store with cars parked out front)
Paul’s sons Ernest and Warren began to run the feed store together.
(Pictured: The Palmers Feed Store team standing in front of the building.)

Cousin Bill, after graduation from college, began his professional career as a partial owner of Palmer feed store and ran the store with Warren.
(Pictured: Cousin Bill poses with the chickens.)
Paul’s grandson Jeff grew up in working at the Feed Store as a teenager and later with his wife Allison by his side. After starting Palmer’s Garden together in 2002 and running it for over 20 years, they decided they wanted to be a part of Grandpa’s legacy by purchasing the Feed Store from Bill. They are excited to see what these new changes will hold for this piece of family history.
(Pictured: The Palmer Family, Allison and Jeff and their three children, pose with their goats.)